
Each year Saltash Heritage Museum changes the theme of the Museum Exhibition.

In 2015 the exhibition was called ‘Tales of the Unexhibited’. This may seem a strange title but over the years Saltash Heritage have collected many interesting artefacts that do not readily fall into a set category. Last year we decided to give them an airing so the exhibition contains an eclectic mix of all sorts on interesting items. Many could be picked up and handled.

Elements of the previous year’s very successful WWI exhibition (2014) had been retained, including the trench, this has been enhanced and the aim is to keep it as a display until the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI

2000               No Title                                                              Grand opening Miscellany

2001               World War 11                                                    The Home Front

2002               Our Rural Past

2003               The Festive Fifties & a Century                         Household, sports

                       of Royal events Royal visits

2004               Times & Tide                                                      Lines River Activities

2005               Are You Being Served?                                      Businesses & Shops

2006               On the Right Track                                             Brunel Bicentenary, RAB Cornwall Railway

2007               Be Prepared                                                       Scouting, Guiding etc.

2008               What's Up, Doc?                                                 Medical

2009               Bridging the Years                                              Royal Albert Bridge Centenary

2010               Pastimes in Past Times                                      Hobbies, Recreation, Sports etc

2011               Please, Sir! Education

2012               From Fire Beacons to Fibre Optics                     Communications

2013               Water, Water Everywhere                                   Birds, fishing wells toilets

2014               It will be over by Christmas                                 Centenary of WWl

2015               Tales of the Unexhibited                                     Curios from the Stores

2016               A Tale of Retail                                                    A Time warp of Saltash Shops

2017               Retail Retold                                                        More on shops and visit Tamar St

2018               A New Dawn                                                        After WWI Saltash in the 1920's

2019               Grannies Attic, Grandads Shed                           Memories created from attic finds

2020               War and Peace                                                    Saltash in transition from war to peace

2021               War and Peace                                                    Saltash in transition from war to peace

2022               Post war + Royal Visits                                       A look at Royal Visits to Saltash 

2023               FlotSAM and JetSAM                                          Boat Building and recycling 

2024               John Henry Martin                                               Saltash's most prominent artist

Saltash Heritage Exhibitions