Three times a year Saltash Heritage produce a top quality Newsletter to keep our members up to date with all the latest news from the Museum and Local History Centre.
It includes a variety of features and articles on local history as well as information about courses and events organised by the management team.
Tales from the Attic & Beyond
Memories if the Big Snow 81/82
Attic update, plastic bricks
Wilfred’s Words of Wisdom
Warfelton Crescent, Home for Heroes
David Coles, by Lizzy
David Coles, by Martin Lister
David Coles, by Pam & John Parsons
Richard (Dick) Coombes
Plain Speaking
An Email from Japan
More on Saltash Tamar Ferries
Brief History of the Port View Est
Tales from the museum
Update on our CIO application
Rules & Regulation on smoking 1864
Town Council visit Museum
17 Arch Bridge and a point brush
Saltash and St Stephens Names
Ages of people in 1901
Saltash Penny Bank